

So why is it I always get a shitty group? Just when I thought things were going to get better I get assigned to a group with one person I absolutely hate. I worked with her in my first group project and she’s as dumb as a brick and did hardly nothing. Then there’s another group member who can barely speak English. I couldn’t understand her when she introduced herself. I’m just so upset. I tried to trade places with another person who was willing to do it, until the teacher wouldn’t let us.

That brings me to my second gripe: the teacher. He is a freak! He’s a thin little man with long hair and enough facial hair to make you think he’s a homeless person. He pulled a handkerchief out of his shoe and blew his nose with it. Need I say anything more?

I just think this whole assigning groups is unfair, considering 55 percent of your grade goes to this group project. This is not the same as having to work with different people on the job. I get a grade for this. In a job, everyone has a job description and know what he/she is supposed to do. That’s not the same in a group.

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