
Santa's on the roof...

I’ve always been a sucker for Santa. I believed in Santa Claus until I was at least 12 years old. I mean, how couldn’t I? All the signs were there.

For one, dad said there was a Santa. And let me tell you something, when I was a kid, I believed EVERYTHING dad told me. (Sometimes I still do.) Once, or twice, he even told me that when the cows are near the fence it means it was going to rain. How could I not believe him? After all, everytime he mentioned it, it did happen to be pretty cloudy at the time.

Secondly, Santa always called my brother and I every year – sometimes even twice a year. Unfortunately, he would call only when no one was home, so I never got to talk to him personally. But that didn’t make him any less real. Ironically, he would only call when my brother I started getting in trouble a lot but it all made sense. Santa can see everything.

Okay, so maybe my little brother was right – Santa did sound a lot like dad. But there just couldn’t be no Santa. I mean after all, every Christmas Eve, the local newscasters talked about how Santa was coming. If Santa wasn’t real, there is NO way they would put it on the news. The news people have to print the truth right? Besides if there was no Santa where do all the Santa letter go? (Note: I got the answer to that question three years go at the local newspaper.)

Lastly, there just had to be Santa because we always left cookies for him every Christmas Eve and when we woke up the next morning there would be nothing but crumbs. And that proved Santa was not dad because Dad can’t eat cookies. He’s a diabetic and obviously, Santa isn’t.

Nevertheless I believed in Santa until Dad and Mom had to break the news to me during my pre-teen years. They went ahead and told me because my younger brother figured things out.

But I tell you I just can’t fathom to this day that maybe there really is a real Santa. Every night before Christmas when I go to sleep I think about how I might be able to hear Santa on top of the roof. Now wouldn’t that be cool?


I love my job, but...

I love my job but I have to say I am so happy to be off for the next week. I have been working non-stop for the past two months. Hence why this thing hasn’t been updated frequently.

For those of you who don’t know what I do, I write and help design a catalog for a major department store. I also write the copy for the internet. It might sound boring which I thought it would be when I applied for the job about a year ago. But actually I find it just as satisfying as my old job as a reporter.

When I was a kid I was always into clothes and fashion. I picked up the interest again after I found this job. Now I am able to use my skills as a writer and a designer to do something I like.

So I work with a team of other copywriters, layout artists and art directors to put together these catalogs. There are about 18 of us on my team. It’s a lot more work than you would ever believe. It takes us about 2-3 months to get out an average catalog of 100 pages. There are a lot of things that have to be right like the prices, fabric content, etc., so there are a lot of checkpoints involved.

When I step back and think about it, it’s almost amazing how we can put together a catalog in such a short amount of time. There’s the planning of what will be on each page. Then we have to obtain the sample of the items so the model can wear it. Speaking of models we have to obtain the models and set up a shoot somewhere to take the pictures. Accessorize the product. Get the pictures taken. Touch up the photos. Reshoot if something didn’t come out well. Get the specs from the supplier. Write the copy. And that’s about half of what we do. We even have people who stay in the dark room all day to make sure the items are true to its color in the catalog. It’s a lot of work, but I’m glad I’m part of the team. I believe at one point this month our team was working on 700 pages at once. Not to mention Internet items we had to get up.

People ask me all the time if I miss newspaper. Yeah, I miss the fun of doing the hot news story. And sometimes I wish I could just go out there to a scene of crime and start asking questions. But at the same time I have fun putting these catalogs together. I can’t wait until we finish a book to see the end product. I love writing copy for the dresses online, especially writing for the prom dresses.

I’m not sure how long I’ll want to do this, but I am sure happy about it now.


It's time to take a stand

Ok, so I’m going to say it. It’s time to take a stand against these people who seem to be attached to their pets. I think it’s time for the legislators to intervene. This is getting a bit ridiculous.

Since when are dogs allowed in Blockbuster? Here I am in line renting my DVD when I look to my right and instead of seeing a woman holding baby, she was holding her little dog. I can just hear some of you now “Aww, how cute.”

NO, it is not cute. Since when do you need to bring your dog to help you pick out a movie. Is he going help you pick out your clothes now?

Oh wait, I’m sorry, he probably goes to pick out his own clothes, since he was wearing a blue sweater. You know there’s a line in between being cute just plain crazy.

I don’t have a problem with people having pets and walking them outside, or having them at places where pets are readily accepted like the park.

But a line needs to be drawn. Dogs should not be allowed in Blockbuster. For goodness sake, roll your window down and leave the pet in the car! You shouldn’t be in the store for more than 15 minutes anyway.

I’ve seen (at my old job) and heard (at mother’s job) of people bringing their dogs to work with them. You can’t bring your children to work so why the hell would think it would be ok to bring your dog to work? Big or small, a dog shouldn’t roaming around the work place sniffing people.

Also while I’m on the subject, pets shouldn’t be allowed to eat at a restaurant. (I’m referring to a recent Dallas Morning News article, about restaurateurs near Lower Greenville allowing pets to eat with their owners.)

I’m sorry but if I want to go out to eat, I don’t want to look to my left and see some damn dog sitting a couple of feet from me slobbering at the table, eating his food and probably looking at my food too. No, that is so unsanitary and just plain gross.

If only some people would take care of their kids as well as they take care of their pets.

It’s time for legislators to take some actions and make some laws against where pets should and should not be allowed.


Kids make me sick - no really

Ok, so I’ve been sick for almost a week and I’m thoroughly convinced it was due to the kids. Yes the kids. I'm talking about the kids that kept bouncing around me, hugging up on me and screaming all throughout Thanksgiving.

“I love you Shacee,” the two-year-old said in her through her baby teeth as she hugged me so tight around the neck, I thought I was going to croak. “I love you too,” I said thinking in my head “so much that I will never have children.”

Now I lie in the bed, unable to breath, sore throat and my ears are so closed up I can barely hear. Just another reinforcement – I NEVER WANT KIDS.