
most embarrassing moment yet

Just when I thought there could be nothing that would top my most embarrassing moment another one occurs. One of my friends found my panties under the seat in my car. Only this kind of stuff happens to me.

Perhaps this never would have happened if I wasn’t tipsy. That'll teach me to not drink so much. Well, I sometimes keep liquor or wine coolers in my car, (Hey, you never know when you might need a drink) and my friend decided to go ravaging to find some even though I told him I didn’t have any in my car at the time. But I wish I would have. Instead he found something worse – panties. My friend and I are close, but not that close. I would have rather him find liquor. But no there were panties.

I didn’t even remember they were back there. And just to clarify for those who are wondering; they didn’t get back there from doing any hanky panky. I was changing in my car a long time ago and obviously I forgot to take the panties out.

There is one good thing in all of this. I am proud they were Victoria’s Secret panties and not some cheap looking ones. (I knew having all VS panties would pay off someday.) They weren’t the sexy ones but they were cute. In fact, they really weren’t panties. They were the striped knit boxsies from the Victoria’s Secret Pink line. I just had to clarify to him that they were boxers and not just some big granny panties.

I have a feeling I will never live this down.

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