
Talk about stress...

I officially start my last class of the MBA program tomorrow. This whole program has felt like it has gone by fast (after all, it’s only been a year), but in some respects it seems like last year was the slowest. Sitting in those classes 9 to 5, some were easier than others. But those that drug throughout the day were so slow.

I have one last group project and unfortunately how well we do on this group project hinges on whether I pass this class or not. I have to pass the class because it’s the exit class to receive my degree.

We have to pick a public or private company and create a 3-year strategic plan with an exit strategy. We also have to do an environmental analysis. We have from tomorrow until April 26 to complete it. From what I hear, you end up practically turning in a book. And we have to give a presentation.

Talk about stress. Everything rides on this project. It includes everything we’ve learned – accounting, finance, marketing, international business, etc. The dean of the program is our instructor.

So if I’m freaking out in April – don’t mind me. I’m just trying to pass this class so the past year won’t be worth nothing!

By the way, no more school after this…at least for the next couple of years.

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