
hot pink, sequins, flashy...

Apparently, I have this uncanny way of always being volunteered for things. First it was the snack cart now it’s our departmental awards show.

For the sake anonymity, we’ll call the ceremony THE SHOW. While it may seem like something simple. THE SHOW is always this huge production. I would imagine the company gives our department quite a bit of money to do this eacy year. We hire a professional videographer. We have a set, decorations and some type of favors to give out everyone. Not to mention we actually give out trophy awards (looks like a mini-Oscar) and gift certificates. Well I’m on THE SHOW committee.

Last year I helped out with THE SHOW (it was a scary theme) as needed (which means whenever someone asked me to do it. I never volunteered). Before I knew it I was suckered into performing Michael Jackson’s Thriller dance (which unfortunately is on DVD).

About two months ago I got an e-mail announcing that it was time for THE SHOW again. The committee members were announced and my name was on it. I asked how did I get on the committee. I got some story about how so and so was supposed ask me. Long story, short, if I wanted out I had to find a replacement.

Personally I think I got put on the committee because of my sheer proximity to THE SHOW chairperson. She sits across from me. I can just envision it. She had all the representatives for each division and realized there wasn’t a one for our division. She looked up and there I was – sucker!

This year, THE SHOW is a musical. (I hate musicals!) Therefore six genres will be performed in the show – country, 50s, rock, disco, a traditional musical and pop. We rewrote a song from each genre so it would relate to work.

Despite the fact that I told them I would be more beneficial as head of the advertising committee. I was appointed “head” of the script committee. I admit I haven’t really done anything. That’s mainly because there was really nothing I could contribute. The only genre I really know about is pop and the chairperson rewrote the words to our pop song.

Nevertheless, I thought things were going pretty well. I got dragged on this committee and I’m getting away with doing nothing but spending three hours a week at these meetings. All was well, until I found my name on the list of dancers for the show. If it wasn’t enough that I had to dance to Thriller in front of my co-workers last year, now I have to dance to Shut Up and Drive in front of everybody. At first glance it doesn’t sound so bad right?

Today I overheard the chairperson ordering the costumes. These are the words I heard: sequins, hot pink, flashy, one-time wear. I’m scared; real scared.

When will it ever end?

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