Santa baby...
In between all of the craziness this past month, I took some time out to take another dance class. I had been taking belly dancing since November. It was fun, but I have to say it’s obviously not my strong suit. However, I did take another exotic dancing class.
Rewind: About two years ago, a couple of friends and I took an art of exotic dancing workshop. I know what you are thinking, but these workshops and classes are to empower women and help them build confidence. Okay, and to have a little fun too.
Ever since then I’ve been wanting to take another class, but as you know life gets in the way. Then I saw that the Santa Baby chair dancing class was 50 percent off. These classes are not the cheapest, so I had to jump on it and take it.
It was worth it. It was a great class. I learned a lot of steps and movements. I’d recommend it to any woman.
While it was fun, it was a bit frustrated for me. It made me realize that I’m still not back to my old self again. I guess subconsciously I was hoping that this class would jumpstart me back to being normal. But I just didn’t feel it. I didn’t feel anything I was doing. I felt like I was doing normal dance steps to a routine. So I was a bit disappointed about that part.
I’ve been trying so hard for the past few months. I just still feel like something isn’t right. I feel like something is missing or I’m broken. It’s hard for me to explain and I don’t expect anyone to get it. It’s just a feeling.
I’m thinking this might be too big of a job for Santa. I’ll just pray for this one.
relaxed and ready...
worst Christmas gift?
For example, a neighbor/friend gave my mother samples of perfume. Yes, samples. And she put it in a Christmas bag. I thought maybe there was a back story – you know maybe they were talking about this certain kind of perfume and my mom said she wanted to try it. But no. No back story, just perfume samples.
So what’s the worst Christmas gift you’ve ever gotten?
A sight to be seen...
She opened the trunk of her car, got a stroller out. She put the dog in the stroller obviously made just for him. As I was walking into the mall, there she was pushing the stroller with her dog in it.
I’m not saying anything more…
Mr. X...
This all started about four or five months ago when he asked me to lunch. For the story sake, we will call this co-worker Mr. X. I don’t work directly with Mr. X. He just works in another department within our department.
Mr. X is married to a flight attendant and has a child who is 22 years old (I know only four years younger than me). Since I can remember I’ve always said “Hi,” to Mr. X in the hallway, like I do with everyone else.
For the longest Mr. X had kept asking me to lunch. I’ve made up every excuse in the book from having the study during lunch (which was sometimes the truth) to not taking lunch at all. Eventually he started e-mailing me and we had conversations. As persistent as he is, he continued to ask me out for lunch, even offering to pay.
Finally after a couple of months the e-mails stopped. I think he got the hint. Of course I would still run into him in the hallways and at every occasion he would try to keep up a 5+ minute conversation, but it’s better than lunch right?
Throughout this whole thing Mr. X had no idea I have a boyfriend. Even though I love my boyfriend very much, I don’t talk about him that much.
So imagine Mr. X’s surprise when he met my boyfriend at the company Christmas party last Saturday. It was evident to Sweetness what was going on. I finally introduced Sweetness to Mr. X and Mr. X introduced me to his wife. I was so drunk that I didn’t pay too much attention.
The story doesn’t end here. On Monday, I ran into Mr. X. We chatted about the party for a bit. He told his wife I was his girlfriend. Yes, girlfriend! I walked away as quickly as I could. I don’t know what kind of relationship him and his wife has, but whatever it is I don’t want to be part of it.
there's always a silver lining...
After hearing more news (a.k.a. rumors) over the pending layoffs, none of us could eat lunch. So I’m starting to think maybe it’s the “I don’t know if I’ll have a job (today, tomorrow or even next year)” or the "have too much work to do, can't eat" weight loss plan.
At least there is a silver lining!
it was a good weekend...a really good weekend
I just have had a rough week or two weeks at work. We keep getting more and more work and there is no sign of it stopping – all the while not knowing if any of us will have a job come next year (although I think that will be the case next year for a lot of other people in general). That’s why I can’t keep updating this thing regularly. I have so much work, I can’t take my vacation. I leave work to come home and work on work again. So it was evident I needed a drink or two.
And I had a drink or two. I still can’t believe I got so sloshed at a company party. But I’m not lonely. I remember going to the restroom and talking to some random associate. She was so drunk. Drunker than I was. She kept telling me how pretty my hair was and referring to some movie. You see that’s what I love about working for a big company. You can get loaded at a company party, but since there are thousands of people who work there, you can’t possibly know everybody. So you can get drunk in front of these people and quite frankly never see them again.
I think that was the case for many of us. I ran in boss lady – in typical fashion. The first thing she says to me is “That’s not my husband!” I hadn’t even gotten a chance to say “Hi.” Yet alone even process if the guy she was with was her husband or not. And the thing is she never introduced the guy; the guy ended up introducing himself. It was hilarious – as crazy as boss lady is, I can always count on her for a laugh.
Then I ran into another co-worker who Sweetness said was drunk. I was pretty gone myself to even figure out. All I do know is she said she was going to go smoke (but she doesn’t smoke, at least when she’s sober).
Then from there I ran into the co-worker I sit by. She knew from the second she saw me I was drunk. I remember when I walked away, I finished off another glass and the wine spilled all over my face. At that moment, I ran into another person I worked with. It was so evident I was drunk to her. I was like…oh well! At least I didn’t run into anybody too important.
As I was leaving, I ran into this guy who has had this crush on me. I finally met his wife (yeah, I’ll leave this full story for another entry). But Sweetness said it was very noticeable that he perked up with he saw me.
Even more impressive – I won $3,000 at the black jack table. Of course it wasn’t real money. I’m never that good when its real money. Overall it was a good night…a really good night!
I was kind of out of control. Sweetness and I had some really good “alone” time earlier that evening. It was so good I wanted to continue it in the car. We won’t get into that, but lets just say it was a good weekend …a really good weekend.
10 pounds lighter...
In those two weeks I picked up the difference between the good/bad eating habits and cut down on the bad eating habits. While I did find myself eating some bad foods, I didn’t pig out on them like I usually do. I just ate a little.
So I’m down 10 pounds and didn’t even know it. I’m not sure if I’m going to continue to lose weight. I’m still within my healthy weight range. But it's so exciting knowing that I lost 10 pounds without trying too hard. It just makes me wonder how much I can lose if I really, really try...hmm
More importantly all of this means…time for more shopping. I have to reward myself right?
Cyber Monday
But back to the topic at hand: shopping. I spend half of my day at work frantically searching Internet sites for the best deals. After all, it is Cyber Monday. I MUST buy something. I must contibute to our economy. It is falling apart as we speak.
Nothing. I found nothing. I really need some pants. You really have no idea how hard it is to find pants for a 5'8 woman with my proportions. I wear a size 6, but have to buy an 8 for length – and still that sometimes isn't enough.
Then I surfed for something for Sweetness. I haven't quite pinned down exactly what I'm going to get him but I have some ideas. I kind of go from one extreme to the other each day. So today, I checked out some HDTVs, but none really struck me as a great deal.
I finally settled on something that had nothing to do with CyberMonday – my project I've been working on for grandma. So I ended up working on that for a little bit. Until I realized that I'm at work and actually had work to do.
Nevertheless, my shopping on CyberMonday was very unsuccessful.
Maybe I will still snag a great deal right before or after Christmas. I don't think people will be spending a lot of money, so retailers will have to slash their prices. So maybe it is best that I hold out.
Work has kept me swamped. Don’t you hate it when you go in to work early, so you won’t have to stay late; but end up staying late anyway? That was the last week for me.
I know I’m only 26 but sometimes I feel like I am literally about to lose my mind. Because I have so much to do, I’m finding that I’m forgetting things even though I write it down. Last week, I literally felt like if one more thing was put on my plate I was going to snap. I guess it didn’t help that I wasn’t sleeping at night because of the nightmares.
But the good news is: all I did today was sleep. I was heavily medicated, but I slept! Nothing like a day’s worth of sleep to make you feel better. I haven’t stepped foot out of my house, which would normally drive me crazy. But with it being 40 degrees and rainy, I love staying in my bed with my space heater running to warm my room to 75 and I’m still freezing. (Apparently, I have no blood…either that or I’m getting sick.) So in short, I’m back and I have tons of stories to tell…from my yearly visit with the “kids” to my happy hour stories.
Weekend wrap
I met Sweetness mother for the first time. I went to my last class and celebrated it all the way into the way into the next day. Then I did some work. I’m still trying to figure out how I made it through the weekend. So first lets just rewind to Friday.
I met Sweetness and his mother at Cantina Laredo. She actually is really cool (if I can say that about a mother). Sweetness looks just like her and they both have that laid-back attitude about them. She is a lot more talkative than Sweetness (but Sweetness is a naturally quiet person). Mother Sweetness has a lot of energy and is just overall very friendly. She likes shopping and going out to eat (just like me). More importantly, she doesn’t mind that I don’t want kids (neither does Sweetness). And…apparently she doesn’t think I’m all that bad. She told Sweetness that I was a good one.
No more class…Can I just say what a relief it is? Even though I have one more course to take, it’s just a relief that I don’t have to spend another eight hours in a Saturday class. Believe it or not, I have to start applying for graduation now! I’m so glad to have my life back… so glad that I had to have a drink on Saturday.
I met up with some coworkers Saturday night to have some drinks. I feel like I’m free. I didn’t have worry about anything (except one test, but if I fail, I’ll still make a decent grade in the class so no pressure). I ended up drinking way more than I realized. It’s just forces me to loosen up which is just what I need.
So Sunday I had to catch up on work work. We are completely swamped at work. In between having 50 pages going to press before Thanksgiving, dance rehearsals and being angel tree coordinator I was about to go crazy. But I just had to have a drink and chill.
weekend wrap up...
I can’t even express how happy I am to finish up everything. Only one class left that I don’t even have to go to. I probably won’t know what to do with all of my free time. But there is so much I want to do. From the simplest things, like having dinner with my friends, to the most complicated ones, like get back to working on my book.
Besides the boring stuff, I did have a pretty fun weekend. Friday I went to a fashion show and Saturday I went to a bachelorette party. The fashion show was so much fun. I think it keeps getting better and better each time. It was nice especially since we could actually afford the items that were being modeled. The models always make me feel like I am fat. But I can just consider it motivation to lose more weight.
I didn’t get a chance to spend as much time with Sweetness as usual. But he is so understanding, maybe a little too understanding. He said that if I was too uncomfortable, I don’t have to meet his mother. Normally, I would think that’s great and not do it. But I feel kind of sad that he doesn’t really want me to meet her. It’s almost like I’m not that important. And I know that’s not the case. I know he’s just being nice and understanding like he always is. So I’m not quite sure what I’m going to do. I guess I’m going both ways because I’m so used to people telling me what to do. And Sweetness never tells me what to do. That’s one of the key things I like about him. He never pressures me into doing something. He just listens to me and supports me in everything.
Happy Halloween!
In about a week I’m going to have to meet Mother Sweetness. I’m kind of nervous about it. I’m not fond of meeting boyfriend’s parents because I’m not too much of a family person. But his mother is coming in town to see him, so I think I’m going to have to meet her for the first time. It should be interesting. She’ll probably either hate me or love me…
I’ve been on a diet now for three days and I have lost 3 pounds already. I entered a contest at work to lose so many pounds by Dec. Just in time for us to pack it back on by Christmas. So I have to work out at least three times a week. I’ve been going everyday this week. Even at 6:30 in the morning! By the end of the week I could lose up to 10 pounds, which for me would mean my goal weight. That’s the weight Weight Watchers set for me. And I’m not supposed to go below another number, which would be five pounds less than my goal weight. Now, my goal weight is much less than that. I can’t believe this stuff really works and you know it’s really not that hard too. I think once I’m done with it I’ll continue it during the week and eat “good” (i.e. bad) on the weekends…
The good news is hopefully in a couple of weeks, I’ll look semi-decent in this dance routine I have to perform. Unfortunately, I have to wear this skin-tight outfit so it shows all your problem areas you can usually hide. Had I known we would have been stuck with this kind of outfit, I would have out right refused to dance in the routine. I really don’t want to wear this in front of work people. Hell, I wouldn’t even wear this outfit out to the club…
Britney’s CD is out. Did you get it yet? I have! I refuse to become a closet Britney fan. The girl may be crazy but I like her songs. Besides she’s going to need the money to pay for child support once K-Fed gets the kids. Majority of the songs on her CD sound pretty good.
Happy Halloween! I gave out candy to the trick or treaters earlier. I like seeing all of the costumes - much like the kid halloween parade they had earlier at work today. Unfortunately, I ran out of candy so I had to close up shop early. And they kept ringing the doorbell, even though the light wasn't on. That was so irritating. I think next year when I'm done giving out candy, those who ring my doorbell I'm going to turn the sprinklers on them, hehe. Now that would be hilarious!
Anyways, Halloween has got to be one of my favorite holidays. Why? Because for one day out of the year you get to be someone else you are not. I was a bee again this year – for at least a couple of hours. I think next year I’ll be a princess.
natural disaster...
My uncle, who I visited in August, evacuated his house in La Jolla last night. His family stayed at a hotel on the college campus. He said it’s unbelievable. Across the freeway, where we stayed at a hotel three months ago in Rancho Bernardo, many of the houses burned.
I guess what ticked me off the most today was when I was driving in to work this morning. I was listening to the radio and local DJ had the nerve to say that’s the risk some of these people took by moving to California (or Malibu). I was so mad that I wanted to call in but I didn’t have the time. I already have too much work to do.
But luckily the other DJ’s enlightened him and reminded him that no matter where you stay there is a risk of something happening. Dallas is at risk for a tornado. I felt like he was blaming these people for buying a house out there or living in California. First of all, somebody has to live there. It’s home to millions of people. And just because there are risks for these natural disaster does that mean we should avoid living there? If that’s the case then we would never find a home.
Seriously, it seems like these people are taking it very well for having lost everything. Most of the people I’ve seen being interviewed were just sad if they lost the pictures or any other memories. I think it just shows how strong we are as Americans.
That’s enough on my thoughts, if they make any sense (I’m heavily medicated). I’m too tired to expand any more. My allergies have taken a toll on me. Journal entry to come on that soon.
Last weekend I spent part of it getting my hair done. I’ve always hated getting my hair done. It always takes up so much time. That’s why I’m so keen on adding in fake hair. Nevertheless last Sunday seemed to go by fairly quick. When I went to go get my braids put back in I was reminded of a funny story that happened to me about a month ago. I had to share it with my hairdresser.
My friends and I were meeting at a restaurant to have dinner. It was one of those expensive restaurants with very dim lighting – so dim that you can’t see the prices on the menu. Well, I got there a tad early so I sat down on the bench. From the moment I walked in there the hostess kept looking at me. I tried to avoid eye contact with her thinking “Am I underdressed or something?” Since it was Friday I just decided to wear a pair of jeans, nice shirt and heels. The last time I went to a expensive restaurant I was completely overdressed as I sat down with people wearing jeans all around me.
So I kept thinking, “Should I know this woman?” because at that point nothing could jog my memory. Finally I looked at her and she came over to me.
“Your hair is so beautiful. What kind of braids are those?” she said.
I told her and she began to stare at them. “Do you mind?” she said as she held up a tiny flashlight.
I was so stunned that I said, “Ok.”
She took the flashlight and started looking in my hair. She explained to me how she had been trying to find a new hair style, etc. When I finally sat down at the table with my friends and recounted the story, I realized how odd that was.
The only good thing was she didn’t touch my hair. I absolutely hate when people touch my hair, especially when they don’t ask and you have no idea who they are. (You have no idea where their hands have been.) What an odd experience! Every time I think of it I just laugh.
The movie is about four couples that take a group vacation. It takes you on the wild twist of their lives. I don’t want to get into the details of it because I’d like to you watch it yourself. But definitely worth one going to see.
Other than that the weekend kind of sucked. What a weekend! It started off with my head in the toilet from 6 p.m. Friday. It’s like it’s getting worse and worse the more I get sick. I had a long excruciating finance class from 9 to 5 p.m. The good news is: I understood everything she taught. She’s a very good teacher. Four classes down, only two more to go.
falling into the season...
To the point, I won't be updating this thing quite so much for the next couple of months for several reason. One, I get to start my last arousing class of the semester - finance. I read the first chapter of the book and thought "this won't be so bad." I couldn't even get through the second page of the next chapter. Oh well, as long as I at least make a C.
Yes, I've lowered my standards. Since I've made all A's in the program. I think I can afford a C. I'm tired.
Secondly, I am obviously coming down with something. I've been freezing (all day), have a headache and achy all over. Eww, I hate this season. Although, I am looking forward to going shopping for winter clothes. But everyone always gets so sick once fall and winter comes around.
Last but not least, this is busy season at work. The work is already starting to pile up and I've got some huge projects that I can't do anything less than excellent on.
I'm going to sleep.
problem solved...
why is it that some men don't get it?
So after contemplating all of my options (that including making sure Sweetness’ ex life was a living hell) I decided to be an adult about all of this. I approached the subject with Sweetness about getting rid of the ex.
“I think you should stop talking to Miss Gulch,” I said.
“That’s interesting,” he said. Interesting I thought. Why would he say that? How is it interesting? I AM your girlfriend. This shouldn’t be any surprise to you.
“Well I don’t like the fact that you talk to her seeing how it was only less than a year ago you sent her some flowers. It’s not like she calls you sparingly. She continuously calls you,” I said.
He’s still silent.
“You say you don’t care about her, but obviously you still have some feelings for her because you keep talking to her,” I said.
Finally, “Of course I care about her. She’s my friend,” he said. “But not in the same way I care about you.”
He said he would think about it - conversation over.
Grrr…why is it that some men don’t get it? For someone who is in a committed relationship. I don’t think it should be something he has to think about.
could he be or not?...
Recap: Sweetness and I got into a little tiff about if or if not we should establish a gift giving procedure. After failing to compromise, Sweetness decided he was going to do whatever he wanted to do.
Fast-forward to Saturday: All drugged-up and empty from puking (can I ever have a birthday without getting sick?), Sweetness gives me the long-awaited present before our night out. I admit it – at one point I was a bit worried. I told him he should run the gift by his sister. But he insisted that I would like it. So he was right. He got me a gift card to Build-A-Bear Workshop – which is only the GREATEST PLACE ON EARTH!
Sweentess remembered months ago that I mentioned I wanted to build a bear for myself there. So he wants to take me to build a bear. I have to say I’m impressed. A 24-year-old man picked out a birthday gift for his girlfriend all on his own without any help from me or anyone.
Ironically enough, I told my last boyfriend that I wanted a build a bear for my birthday. What did I get? Not a build a bear.
Could Sweetness be the one? Well maybe at least until I get mad at him next time, lol.
good news...
Dad had surgery three weeks ago so they could tie his veins. Mother and I were under the impression that they would leave some type of entry way open so we could do the dialysis. (I say “we” because he has elected to do home dialysis which mean we are going to have to hook him up.) But they didn’t.
The surgery is allowing his vein to surface right under the skin so we may see it. That way we can hook him up for dialysis using a needle. The weirdest thing is when you touch his wrist, you can feel his pulse. I know everybody pulse can be felt that way. But his is like right there. You don’t have to focus to feel it. The minute you touch his wrist you can feel it.
Even better news…the doctor has decided to start a search for a match for him soon (which is early than usual). And I think mom is starting to lean toward letting me get tested. If I can get mom on board then dad will eventually follow.
Well I’ve got to get out of here. Tons of stuff to do!
i've had it...
I’m so angry. Miss Gulch is still calling Sweetness. Seriously! This all started Wednesday night. We were watching television. As we watch the same shows, we IM each other. Well he told me she was on the phone.
I called him – knowing that he would switch over to talk to me. She hung up.
Less than 30 minutes later, the b**** called him again. He IMed me and I called him. He told her his girlfriend (me) is on the other line so he had to go. She hung up.
Then she had the nerve to call him again today. I’m pissed. I am beyond pissed. It’s not just the fact that she’s been calling. It’s the fact that I want all of this week to be about me and I don't want him talking to his ex. It’s my birthday Saturday. Then why can’t I have all of his attention (mainly his unattention to his ex)? Is that really too much to ask?
I’ve tried being the nice, good girl and acceptable of all this. But it just doesn’t suit me well at all – not one bit.
she never ceases to amaze me...
We are in the middle of the review when she suddenly puts her hands over her mouth as her eyes widen.
“I think I’m going to throw up in my mouth,” she said. (10 points for who guesses correctly what movie that line comes from.)
“Oh no,” I said concerned. “There’s a trash can behind you.”
“I’m going to restroom,” she said.
Boss lady gets up and is about the run out of the room when she peeks her head back in and says, “I’m not pregnant.”
I looked astonished. For the life of me, I will never understand my boss.
P.S. Being pregnant wasn’t even the first thing on my mind, considering she’s 53 and it was just after lunch. Now, I think she just might be.
After all there was one time she freaked out and started thinking she was pregnant because her and her husband didn’t use a condom. I sat there thinking, “TMI – way too much info.”
I feel like I’m in grade school again. You know where we all got a ticket to go to the fair – except we got a choice if we want to go. This time I really don’t get a choice. Even though our boss says we can opt not to go, but you know if I don’t go it looks bad.
I don’t want to go to the fair. I don’t know if it’s because of the weather, the transportation, the cost or the company. Either way, I’d rather stay at the office and work. So we discussed it at work today. The company is paying for everyone’s ticket and the $10 parking. But in an effort to save the company money, my boss thought it would be cool if we took the city bus or the train.
Mind you, this trip to the fair will be during the week, which means there will be no traffic. But it also means there are no city bus that goes straight from the parking ride to the fair. That means we will have to go to the nearest Park and Ride and ride the city bus all the way to the fair which will include many stops. The total time: 1 hour and 10 minutes. They also decided to look at the rail because it will be “fun.” The rail doesn’t go to the fair thankfully.
I just wonder if any of these people have ever rode a city bus because I don’t see the point in taking the city bus since the fair doesn’t open until 10. There will be no traffic and they want to leave around 3, before rush hour traffic. Perhaps we should carpool? Either way I’m taking my own car. I’m not driving on the other side of town to go to Park and Ride to take the city bus to go to the fair.
If that’s not enough the company is only paying for our ticket (which will be $4 the day we go when we bring a can), which means we have to pay for food, rides, or anything else we want to do there. By the way, the fair is NOT cheap these days. So we are basically forced to spend some type of money because we are going to need a drink considering it will still be hot. And maybe even something to eat.
Not to mention between all of this, especially around this time of season, I try to avoid going outside since my allergies are bad. So if I get sick because of being outside all day, they are going to have to deal with me being out for two days.
I’m not trying to sound ungrateful or anything but our company leaders should take the time to actually ask the employees what would they like to do as a teambuilding activity. I saw at least half of the people in the room roll their eyes when they found out we are going to the fair.
Just four months ago, I had to go to a pool party at my boss house which I did not want to go to. Half of the people in my group are over the age of 40. They don’t want work people to see them in swimsuit (I understand that). So only 5 people got in the pool. We just sat there and talked in the hot July sun (NOT FUN).
Why can’t we do some teambuilding activity that’s normal? Like bowling or a happy hour after work. Or perhaps a lunch. Or could we just stick with our old tried-and-true shopping and the movies. Nobody ever really objected to that.
Or here's a novel idea: Listen to your employees!
nothing like a Sunday night...
week off
hot pink, sequins, flashy...
For the sake anonymity, we’ll call the ceremony THE SHOW. While it may seem like something simple. THE SHOW is always this huge production. I would imagine the company gives our department quite a bit of money to do this eacy year. We hire a professional videographer. We have a set, decorations and some type of favors to give out everyone. Not to mention we actually give out trophy awards (looks like a mini-Oscar) and gift certificates. Well I’m on THE SHOW committee.
Last year I helped out with THE SHOW (it was a scary theme) as needed (which means whenever someone asked me to do it. I never volunteered). Before I knew it I was suckered into performing Michael Jackson’s Thriller dance (which unfortunately is on DVD).
About two months ago I got an e-mail announcing that it was time for THE SHOW again. The committee members were announced and my name was on it. I asked how did I get on the committee. I got some story about how so and so was supposed ask me. Long story, short, if I wanted out I had to find a replacement.
Personally I think I got put on the committee because of my sheer proximity to THE SHOW chairperson. She sits across from me. I can just envision it. She had all the representatives for each division and realized there wasn’t a one for our division. She looked up and there I was – sucker!
This year, THE SHOW is a musical. (I hate musicals!) Therefore six genres will be performed in the show – country, 50s, rock, disco, a traditional musical and pop. We rewrote a song from each genre so it would relate to work.
Despite the fact that I told them I would be more beneficial as head of the advertising committee. I was appointed “head” of the script committee. I admit I haven’t really done anything. That’s mainly because there was really nothing I could contribute. The only genre I really know about is pop and the chairperson rewrote the words to our pop song.
Nevertheless, I thought things were going pretty well. I got dragged on this committee and I’m getting away with doing nothing but spending three hours a week at these meetings. All was well, until I found my name on the list of dancers for the show. If it wasn’t enough that I had to dance to Thriller in front of my co-workers last year, now I have to dance to Shut Up and Drive in front of everybody. At first glance it doesn’t sound so bad right?
Today I overheard the chairperson ordering the costumes. These are the words I heard: sequins, hot pink, flashy, one-time wear. I’m scared; real scared.
When will it ever end?
the heidi's of the world...
Heidi is just like many women we know today. They get into a relationship and lose themselves. I could probably think of 10 women who I’ve watched this happen to. That got me thinking, why do women do this? You rarely see men get this way about a woman. Is there something in a woman’s genes that makes us more prone?
Thankfully, I’ve never really had this problem – perhaps its because I’ve watched so many other women with this problem. The thought of losing my identity is scary. Perhaps it’s my realistic (a.k.a. what Sweetness sometimes refers to as pessimistic) view of thinking.
For example, Sweetness will say, “We can go to Vegas this year.”
I say, “Ok, if we are still together, we can go.”
It’s not that I’m saying I have plans of breaking up with him. Perhaps its just I don’t like to get my hopes up. I want to be realistic.
With that being said, there is a 50 percent divorce rate in the U.S. That means if you do get married (and that’s a big DO, pun intended) there is a huge chance you will be alone one day in your life and I don’t mean as a widow. So are you willing to take that chance and alienate all of your friends in your life who you might need someday in case you are all alone, old, fat and gray?
In my history, people are too unpredictable. Just when you thought you’ve nailed down their personality, you’re wrong. Just when you thought you can trust them they are wrong. Therefore, I always like to keep a suitcase, passport in the car and some extra cash…just in case!

he's learned well...
It all started after he asked me what I wanted for my birthday. He said he had been trying to think of something for the past couple of months.
“I really don’t need or want anything. So you don’t need to get me anything,” I said assuredly.
He didn’t like that idea. So I said if we wanted to do the whole gift-giving thing, we should establish some parameters or restrictions. In my history of gift giving, it starts off all sentimental then years later it becomes this thing where you spend about as much as the other person and vice versa. Then you both end up spending an unbelievable, really unreasonable amount of money on each other. So I suggested restrictions.
He said no, it’s about the sentimental value – not money. He said if he wants to buy me a yacht, he’ll buy me a yacht. (I’ll just buy you a bigger and better yacht I thought.) Sweetness said he knew I would be difficult with this but not that difficult. I was surprised. I told him he had never been so mean to me before.
He said, “I’m just being direct – the way you always are with me. You just aren’t used to getting it thrown back at you.”
I offered a compromise – like putting one or two restrictions. He said no. He claims that when we compromise it’s really always my way, which is totally not true. That only happens like half the time. Ok so maybe three-fourths of a time. But I can’t help it I’m always right.
He said, “No. You can make restrictions but I’m doing whatever I want to do. You asked me a long time ago if I was a push over and I told you I’m not when it comes to certain things.”
“Okay, we’ll do it your way,” I said smiling. While I was surprised, I couldn’t help feel slightly good. Good to know he has a spine. He’s learned well (smirk).
the class from hell...
Oh and did I mention majority of the class has no textbooks and we are not connected online through the Blackboard system (that’s how we take all of our classes and get things like our syllabus, discussion boards, etc.)? I had a huge headache by the time I left class.
We don’t have textbooks because the university bookstore ran out and had to order more. We can’t order it from anywhere else because it’s a customized book. We were told the bookstore wouldn’t get them until Tuesday. Then they have to mail them to us, which means will get them on Wednesday – maybe.
I guess it wouldn’t have been so bad if the instructor was on the ball. He had no idea what he was going to do. I’ll give him this – he knows the subject of the class well. He’s just not organized at all. We kept asking him the same questions and he would never really answer them. In the end, we realized he doesn’t have this class planned out at all.
I guess I should note when we all signed up for this class another instructor was assigned to it. Then all of a sudden we got this new instructor, which is an adjunct professor.
Well, he was supposed to scan in the case studies and e-mail them to us this morning. Guess what? The day is half way over and no e-mail. Why am I not surprised?
I was hoping to have a low-stress semester since this is my last full semester. Apparently, that’s not going to happen. So far, I’ve used today at work to finish up my assignments for my other class. Hopefully I can knock out all of this stuff because I’ll need all the time I can get later for this class from hell.
Meanwhile, I’ve been working on another project to keep me busy once I’m done with school. I’ll have to tell you more about that later…
One class down, five more to go.
no more texts please...
My cousin text messages me all the time. It’s not personalized text messages. Its forwards. You know what you usually do in an e-mail? Then they tell you to forward it back to them and 10 other people. (Yeah right!) I have never returned her a forward or anything else. Hell, I don’t even talk to her that much. In fact, I only really talk to her on either Christmas or Thanksgiving (whenever I go to Houston) or if she comes up here. I get at least 3 texts a week and number recently seems to be quickly increasing.
I’m not alone. She texts my brother and my uncle in San Diego and neither of them talk to her that much either. My uncle (who is in his 50s) told me he didn’t even know what it was the first time she text him or how to text her back. He just finds it annoying too. She even texts my uncle's ex-wife in freaking Minnesota. She hasn't talked to her on the phone in more than 2 years. She texts my mom too, but at least she talks to her frequently. So basically, she just texts everyone in her cell phone. I even got a text picture that made noises today. It was a cartoon character picture. I’m just tired of her wasting my text messages. Obviously she must be on the limitless text plan.
So how do you tell a family member nicely, STOP TEXTING ME!
It doesn’t really help that one of my classes is easy. I just need to do it that’s all, especially since I'm taking two classes at once.
It also doesn’t help that I’ve gotten the “talk.” You know the talk that you get from your boss saying “we’re giving you more work.” Ok, given I’ll admit I really didn’t that much work to begin with. Although there have been times at work were I’ve been busy, I’ve never worked at the capacity that I worked at my previous job. So I’m not scared or really even mad (seeing how that’s what they pay me to do), but it does put a little damper on my plans. See for the past eight months, I’ve done a lot of my school stuff during work time. And right now I don’t have anytime to do anything except work. I don’t even have time to do a discussion board. Well, it was nice while it lasted.
simply put...
“Instead of just saying he’s a beast or a monster, this is a kid who comes from a culture where (this) is not questioned,” Goldberg said. She goes on to say that dog fighting is prevalent among the South.
I’m not an animal lover at al but I don’t think that this should even be a discussion. Dog fighting is illegal. Vick knows right from wrong. He might have come from a place where it’s acceptable, but in that same place it is illegal. It’s just whether you get caught or not. Vick is grown man who knows the difference between right and wrong. Simply put, there is no excuse. He’s going to have to accept his punishment like an adult. Name calling and all the other stuff that comes along with is just childish behavior and really uncalled for because in the end he is going to be punished. Any other conversation beyond that doesn’t matter.
sometimes, i just can't stop myself...
I seem to be the prime suspect for things like that. I can’t help myself. I know it’s wrong. I know its trouble, but I do it anyway. It’s not necessarily what I accomplish, but more of the feeling I get actually doing the act.
I always get this rush when I do things like that. Maybe that’s what always gets me in trouble. I mean, how do your stop yourself from doing things like that?
airplane rides...
I’d have to say it was pretty good flight, except for the kids onboard. As you’ve probably figured out, I’m not a fan of kids at all – especially kids who scream, run and are just overall rude. Luckily on this flight there were no kids sitting really close to me. But there were some sitting about 5 rows up (we’re on an M80) that managed to even disturb me. I remember seeing the two kids when they boarded the flight. They looked well mannered, which has never really fooled me. The little boy, who was probably about 8, was dressed in khakis and a polo shirt. I remember the little girl, who was probably about 6, vividly. What drew me to her was the fact that she was had on a red and white polk-a-dot dress with a matching bowtie in her head. She looked like Minnie Mouse. I felt bad for the little girl because I was sure it was the mother (in a blue sheath dress) who picked out her clothes.
Nevertheless I knew something was wrong when the parents sat 4 rows ahead of the kids. When a parent doesn’t want to even sit with his/her kids during a plane ride, you just know these kids have to be bad – and they were! They made so much noise and kept pressing the button for the flight attendant to come. It was ridiculous. And I tell you I wasn’t so mad at the children as I was with the parents. Don’t have kids if you don’t want to take care of them properly. If they couldn’t get four seats together, one parent should have sat with one child while the other parent sat with the other. They were a family of four.
Then there was the plane ride on Southwest Airlines to San Diego. I am a huge fan of Southwest Airlines. I’ve traveled the airline for years as well as American. But I have to say, there is a vast difference between to two. Despite all of American’s perks, if I had to pick out of two I’d pick Southwest Airlines hands down. But getting anywhere non-stop out Dallas is almost impossible on Southwest, which limits us Dallas-sites.
I’ve gotten used to all the noises Southwest Airlines planes make, from the lift off to the flaps expanding. I’ve gotten so comfortable, that I find myself freaking out when I don’t hear anything during lift off. Then I remember I’m flying American Airlines.
Anyways, the flight to San Diego on Southwest was an adventure. As soon as we finished climbing to altitude, there was all of this turbulence. It was odd because it was such a beautiful day. No clouds in sight. This wasn’t a little turbulence. It was pretty bad. I’m a good flyer. I don’t get spooked easily, but for a second I didn’t think we would make it. Mother was freaking out. She’s not that great of a flyer. Well, 20 minutes later the pilot announces that the turbulence was from another plane. Apparently we were 10 miles right behind another plane (in the air). All I could think about was that story on Dateline, run about three months ago, about the air traffic controller’s messing up and planes barely missing each other in the air – and that was at D/FW International Airport. Way to go. I give the pilot credit for telling us that. I’m not so sure I would’ve done the same.
Then there was flight on American back home. Kids – again! There was a little girl about 6 years old who was constantly stood in her seat, screaming and banging on the seat. All her dad kept doing was apologizing to the guy behind him. (I was across the aisle.) How about he pins that little girl down in her seat and put her seat belt on. I would think at that age, you should start training you child to shut up and sit in the seat during a flight.
Overall, I’d say the flying was pretty good. It could have been worse – delays. Out of the three flights I caught only one was delayed and it was only by an hour.
i'm back...
The weather was absolutely gorgeous. I kept thinking, “Hmm…what kind of job could I do here?” Levi’s is headquartered in San Francisco. I believe Gap is also headquartered in Cali. I’m so close to Seattle, what about Nordstroms? I’d love to work there.
Anyways, as I daydreamed about quitting my current job and moving to California I absolutely enjoyed every bit of my trip. I never needed a vacation like I needed this one. Everything was converging on me and it was just too much to handle. So I nice getaway was purely a necessity.
San Francisco was beautiful. I could live there except it was a tad too cold for me. I think my favorite part was the shopping at Union Square. Oh and then there was the fortune cookie factory. It was so cool how they made them. I was going to take a picture until the owner lady said “No pictures.” I’m still upset about that. But I was a bit soothed over after she made me two personalized fortune cookies. Also, I bought an entire bag of fortune cookies back. (Never mind the fact that I’ve already ate half of them) Maybe it’ll give me good luck. Then, there was Alcatraz. It was pretty cool until night fell upon us and it was freezing on the island.
Now San Diego is definitely livable. The highs are 82. The night time is just gorgeous. You can open the window pretty much all day. I had lunch at Coronado Beach. Even though San Diego is beautiful, I got bored really quick since I’ve been there so many times. So one of my friends came to save me and take me back to Los Angeles with her. I had so much fun! She took me out to some bars and I drank my little heart out. It was long overdue. Unfortunately, I had to come back to catch my flight to Dallas. And for the first time I rode a motorcycle. It was crazy. I just figured if I’m going to do it I should do it on the back of my uncle’s motorcycle and it was so cool. Although, I admit I was a bit scared – totally not in my nature. But it was something new and what I needed.
So that’s the summary of my trip. Over the next few days I’ll give you more bits and details of the entire adventure. From the crazy airplane ride to my “guitar lessons,” which I plan to continue here. I'm trying to catch up on all of my stuff at work. But I do feel much better.
Hola bloggers...
vixens, singledom, the hills...oh my
- Sweetness grandmother has been in the hospital for two weeks. So he and his sister went back to Michigan to see her. Of course I had to give him my goodbye speech:
“Have a good trip,” I said.
“So are you going to see any of your friends,” I asked.
“Probably Anthony,” he replied.
“That sounds cool. I’m just going to come out and say it, you can’t see any of your exes.”
I say exes because another one has surfaced. The problem is Sweetness can be way too nice sometimes. This is the ex that cheated on him and wanted to be his first. Fortunately, that didn’t happen. She told Sweetness to tell me "not to get too comfortable." He told her I was already comfortable (see, way too nice to the ex). I told him he should have told her I’m real comfortable…comfortable in his bed. She needs to go find some other guy to be her baby’s daddy, because it’s not going to be my Sweetness.
I tell you if those two vixens lived in Texas, there is no way I would put up with this. But since they are thousands of miles away, they really pose no threat.
- Since Sweetness had to unexpectedly go out of town, I had a single moment Saturday night. I had to go solo to a friend’s graduation party. It’s kind of funny how some people give you that look when you are just about the only single person in the room.
Sometimes it sucks, but for the most part I actually don’t mind. It gives me a chance to people watch. I can notice a lot more things around. I also am more apt to meet new people. Not to mention I can leave when I want to and don’t have to worry about anybody else. I’m really good at being selfish.
-OMG! Did you see The Hills last night? Was that not the best episode or what? I feel so bad for Lauren. It’s not like that's jus any rumor. They are not in high school. They’ve grown up. She’s a celebrity. That could seriously ruin her reputation and make it very hard for her to get a job in the fashion industry. I would have told Heidi off too. I just found it hard to believe Heidi has been sitting under a rock and has no idea what’s going on. It’s only all up in the tabloids. Lauren’s mother even knew.
By the way, what’s up with Audrina’s eyes? Is that her contacts? If so, I want those. I want to look captivating to guys. Speaking of Audrina, how many of these girls are going to forgive guys who’ve screwed with them before? While I do believe some people can change, I wouldn’t want to be the test dummy for that.
On another note, maybe I should try to get on a reality tv show too. Lauren might have to deal with cameras, but when you really think about it, it might be a good trade off. The girl has probably gotten so many perks from this whole thing including a clothing line, which was one of her dreams.
i think i can, i think i can...
For those of you who don’t know, I can’t swim. There have been those who have tried to teach me. In fact, I took lessons when I was 5, 7 and 9. No luck. Well, thanks to one of my youngest cousins who is 8 years old, I can swim. She brought this amazing thing to my house – a noddle. It’s the Styrofoam thing you can put under your arms and it helps you float. For the first time I was swimming away. I admit I’m still a novice. After all, the 8-year-old insisted she race me in the pool and offered the noodle to me, while she swam without one. But I think I’ll have this swimming thing all down in less than two weeks before I head to California. That way I can go to the beach and be one of those California girls. I can go out in the ocean with my foam board so I’ll look cool like everybody else. Besides I kind of like swimming I feel like Nemo. I can't help but do a fish face as I float in the water.
Not to mention all of this swimming is giving me a work out. My back and abs have been sore ever since. On another note, aren’t you all enjoying this weather? After rain most of the summer, it’s finally almost 100 degrees. Normally, I would gripe about it, but I’ll take 100 degree weather over raining all summer any day.
Good news; bad news
My family is falling apart and there’s not much I can do. I can’t get into the details due to the legal E’s. But mom barely eats or sleep. In addition to dad not having much energy, his blood pressure has shot up. Now my brother is sick too. So that’s left me to do all of the leg work – the calling, errands, and whatever else is needed. So if I’m not posting that much in the next couple of weeks that’s because I’m crazy busy.
The good news: I go on vacation in two weeks! Yay! Almost an entire week in California. We are flying to San Francisco. We’ll stay there for a couple of days and fly down to San Diego for another three days. San Francisco will be a bit busy. But since we’ve been to San Diego a countless amount of times, I’ll get a chance to relax there. I’m thoroughly looking forward to it.
More good news: I’m going to Italy in March! It’s not just for fun. I get class credit for it. I needed it as an elective to graduate (wink, wink). I’ve never been out of the country, so it’ll be interesting. Luckily I’m going with an entire group of people including one of my friends. Now I just need to find out where exactly Italy is on the map.
Despite my lack of postings lately, I do have some stories to tell. So stay tuned.
week off...
In the meantime, check out the Diva's Thought's blog. The link is to the right.
Idea #1: He could tell her I was a virgin to and he was my first.He said: My sister saw your profile on match.com. It said you loved going to Vegas.
I said: So many virgins love going to Vegas.
Idea #2: Here’s a novel idea, don’t tell her. He said: She’s going to know. My mom just knows these things. She always knows stuff.
I said: No, she just knows you, because she’s knowing you for 24 years. Besides you are pretty easy to figure you. You need to get better at covering up things.
Idea #3: When she asks, just kindly suggest that nothing happened.He said: Are you telling me to lie to my mom?
I said: Of course not! I would never do such a thing. I’m just saying to hint that nothing really happened.
You see Sweetness has the uncanny way of being honest with people. Apparently he says he can’t lie. (We’ll have to fix that, because he’s going to have to do some story telling whenever he meets my parents if he wants to make a good impression.) So when people ask him things, he just tells the truth.
Sweetness said his mom will not care. After all, she is the same woman who thinks you should make sure you are sexually compatible before you get married.
But I can’t help but think, did we do it too soon? Maybe she’ll think I’m one of those loose girls. I guess the good part about it is, once you do it, you’ve done. It doesn’t matter how many times you do it after that. So I guess we better get to practicing.
touched for the very first time...
You see I figured it out after we had been dating for a couple of months. There had been slight clues like his lack of recent relationships. Well that and the fact the man just screamed nerd. Like most women would, I just figured this 24-year-old wasn’t a virgin. (What are the odds?) But just out of curiosity I asked him one night. He said he was, which I still found it hard to believe. I thought he could be lying. But after carefully assessing everything he had told me before, it is quite plausible the man is still a virgin. What are the odds? Of all people me with a virgin? Is this some joke?
Well, Sweetness isn’t waiting until marriage. He said he is just waiting for the right girl. And apparently that girl was me. (Notice the verb change.)
It was getting harder and harder everyday. Every time we got hot and heavy, I was always the one who had to stop it. Quite naturally he wasn’t going to be the one to stop it because he has been ready to do it for a long time.
So Sweetness and I finally did it. And I have to say for a virgin, the man wasn’t bad at all. He was actually pretty good. He was worried he would be a “minute man.” But he had no problem there. I was ready to stop before he was. It was so good we went for round two.
I think I was just as relieved as he was to get it over with. That is until I put more thought into this whole thing. You see everyone knew Sweetness was a virgin -- his mother, father, sister and friends. So now, I will forever be known as the girl who took his virginity.
On one hand, his father would high five me. On the other, I don't what is mother would think. What if she thinks I’m the devil for taking her son’s purity? I’m the slut who converted him. I have to correct this. So later this week (since this entry is getting too long for my taste) I’ll tell you the ideas I pitched to Sweetness to tell his mother.
the boy is mine...
On the other hand, as you can probably imagine some of Sweetness’ past relationships ended amicably. One quite notable relationship he had from seventh to ninth grade. It was with this girl we’ll call Miss Gulch. The two broke up because Sweetness moved. From that time on, Sweetness and her kept in touch. Even when the two were out high school, they randomly ran into each other at a Walmart in Atlanta. Every since then they have been in touch on and off. Sweetness even sent Miss Gulch flowers this past Valentines Day.
He says they have been just friends since the ninth grade. In fact, when I refer to her as his “ex-girlfriend,” he doesn’t even think it should count since they went out in seventh grade. I think it should considering they have been corresponding ever since. And let’s just get real, obviously he has always had some sort of crush on her ever since. After all, he did send her flowers for Valentines Day. Not to mention it was while she had a boyfriend. Miss Gulch and her boyfriend's relationship was obviously on the rocks, especially since she was spending time talking to Sweetness on the phone. Either way I have no right to get mad because I didn't start dating him and we weren't exclusive until two months later.
Being the adult that I am, I told Sweetness I trust him. (I just don’t trust her.) He can still correspond with her. After all, she is thousands of miles away in Michigan.
The story continues…
Miss Gulch called him Saturday. Sweetness said it was a short conversation. She asked him why he hadn’t called her. He told her it was because he didn’t have her number. She asked him when he was coming to visit her. He said I don’t know. He doesn’t have any plans as of this moment to come home.
Now women, I think we can all read between the lines. Miss Gulch has probably broken up with her boyfriend. She’s probably thinking “Well Sweetness will be available.” Sweetness hasn’t told her he has a girlfriend. I keep insisting that he does. In fact I told him exactly what to say,
“I have a supermodel-like girlfriend who works in the fashion industry. She’s beautiful, smart and sexy. I’m in love with her. I want to be with her for the rest of my life.”
We all know the minute he says that he has a girlfriend, he will automatically become really attractive to her. She already got her chance and missed out. Sweetness is mine.
the snack cart lady...
It is somewhat my fault that I’ve become the snack cart lady. My boss was encouraging us to volunteer for it, since all the proceeds go the charity, so I decided to help. It wasn’t until my co-worker and I went to go sign up we realized we were the only two names on the page. Suddenly, we felt scared – this could potentially be our new duty everyday for the next three months. Then we felt bad because no one else had signed up. So we decided to put down another co-worker’s name to help. (Misery loves company!)
So twice a week I must push a cart (which is not that light might I add) down aisle after aisle, lightly screaming “snacks, soda, 50 cents.” I’ve never considered myself a good salesperson, but I suppose I did pretty good the first few times. Those who I knew, I could get to buy at least one thing. After all, everything on the cart is cheaper than the vending machines. Even better, we have Dr. Pepper, which is not sold anywhere within our building.
Then there were those people who asked, “Are you new here?”
“No I’m not,” I said smiling. “I’m just anti-social, so I usually just stay in my corner by the window in the women’s area.”
I suppose it wasn’t too bad, I got to figure out where those associates I see all the time in the hallway sit. I also was able to compare my cubicle to others. (I need to get to decorating my cube. There are some that are really good!)
I suppose I should admit my motives weren’t completely pure in volunteering for the job. I knew the big boss would find out who’s been volunteering. He knows everything. Therefore, I knew it would look good especially when I come by his office to offer him some treats. I had to compensate for the fact that I hadn’t been parking next to him these past few weeks (due to rain) in the morning. That’s my way of being able to chat it up with him. (Hey, after all, he is the man who decides who gets raises or not.)
Anyways, I’m stuck pushing a cart around week after week until September. The good news is I don’t have a ring a bell anymore. And I guess it doesn’t hurt to meet some more people.
bootylicious and all that...
As you might have noticed I haven’t been updating this thing as frequently once again due to school. I just got done with a double header (a.k.a. class two weekends in a row.). I feel like I’m going to strike out if coach doesn’t put me in the bullpen for a bit. But I’ve got to crank out enough energy for two more classes and a few more assignments.
Enough about school and my lame references to baseball. The highlight of my weekend was going to the Beyonce concert. To sum it up, it was off the hook; bootylicious and some. …if I only had time to change into my entire outfit. I had to settle for a black tube top and tight jeans, instead of my black miniskirt, since I had to change at the hospital. (It would been a bit odd coming out of the hospital looking all bootylicious.) Unfortunately, my friends didn’t get a chance to change into their bootylicious outfits either.
Beyonce performed for two hours singing songs from her two albums and songs from previous Destiny Child’s albums. It was great! Everybody was dancing and singing. I couldn’t help but yell, “I love you Beyonce!”
It wasn’t until Friday night I realized how captivating the diva really is. (I say diva, because she has every right to be one.) She made me want to jump up on stage and do the dance she does during the “Crazy In Love” video just like I’ve been performing in my room. “Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no.” I want some weave like Beyonce. I like her outfits too. I just might be Beyonce for Halloween.
The opening act, Robin Thicke wasn’t so bad either. It took my two friends and I a huge margarita to really feel it, but the man is kind of hot.
Overall, the night was fantastic. It was well worth the $100, sore throat and droopy eyes during marketing class the next day. I might just have to get front row seats next time.
dinner date gone well...
The dinner actually went pretty well considering Sweetness and I were very irritated at each other before we even made it to the restaurant. I got irritated because the plans kept getting changed at the last minute. Then I was even more irritated when Sweetness showed up to my house late. (I can’t make a bad first impression.) Sweetness was irritated because I got mad at him and he was overall having a bad day. So the car ride on the way was very tense. And for those of you who know me when I’m irritated or mad, I don’t hold back.
“You can tell your sister it’s your fault, we’re late,” I said.
“Ok, I will,” he said sarcastically, which made me even more mad.
I contemplated, whether I should drive horrible, (he already doesn’t like my driving) just to make him even more upset or not. But I decided to drive good. After all, his sister would suspect something happened if we didn’t show up, I thought. Not until after we leave the restaurant, that’s another story.
Despite our very tense and practically speechless drive to the restaurant, the dinner turned out well. Sister Sweetness has this way of uplifting people’s spirits. Well, at least mine. Sweetness looked like he was about to go off the edge.
When we walked into the restaurant the first thing Sweetness' brother-in-law says is "You're late!"
"It's his fault," I said pointing at Sweetness who looked pissed.
As the night went on between the waitress and his brother-in-law picking on him, his day didn’t get any better. I started to feel bad for him. Although, I’ll never admit it to him, I felt kind of bad for giving him a hard time. (Well, at least it toughens him up.) But at the same time, sitting next to him at the table, all angry and stuff, I thought it was kind of hott. I wanted to make out with him.
Anyways, at risk of sounding like a teenager, Sister Sweetness is really cool. She’s pretty, likes to shop and very smart. She is really, really talkative. Now, I see why Sweetness doesn’t mind me talking for hours on end. He’s got to be used it. She’s just fun to be around. She is the exact type of person I would hang out with as a friend. I actually wouldn’t mind hanging around her more often.
Overall, I'd say the dinner went well. Sweetness and I made up from our little tiff later that night. The entire ordeal was a stark contrast from the last time I met a boyfriend's family. His family tried to turn me into housewife #3. They preferred a woman who would be barefoot and pregnant in the country. For those of you who know me, that's NOT me at all.
Meanwhile, Sweetness' family is a bit more modern. He doesn't want kids. I'm not so sure his sister does either. From what I hear, his parents seem to be modern or a bit "hip" on times. They approve of co-habitation before marriage. It's nice to meet people in modern times.
my funeral...
Who will I leave my possessions to when I’m old, gray and fat? Especially, if I’m married and my future hubby is already in the grave. My best friend doesn’t need or really want anything of mine. Well, except maybe my bear, I’ve had since I was 5 years old. But I’m thinking I’ll have Boki retired with me too.
I supposed I could have all my money given to a favorite niece or nephew. Hmm…perhaps someone who exemplifies myself. We won’t get into that now.
Anyways, I want my funeral to be fancy and in style. Everyone wears all black (no color whatsoever). No flowers. I don’t like receiving flowers now. Why would I want to receive flowers when I’m dead? We’ll just recommend donations to a charity to be named later. Or better yet, everyone can bring a stuffed animal and they can all be donated to the Children’s Advocacy Center for Denton County.
My people tend to have food, like an entire meal, after the funeral. I never did get that and still don’t. (Would anyone care to enlighten me?) I don’t want an entire meal at my funeral. I just want cake - that’s one of my favorites. I want a huge buttercream icing cake with white inside – tiered!
There needs to be a book where everybody can sign it. I don’t just want people to write their names. I want them to write a message. You know kind of like you did in your high school yearbook?
I’ll designate the pretty picture I want blown up really big for the funeral. I don’t want an ugly picture. I’d want one of my parents to say a couple of words and my best friend to talk about how wonderful I was and how much he misses me. (I’ll prepare the speech beforehand. It wouldn’t hurt for them to cry a tear or two.) It’ll be a heart wrenching speech that everyone will remember forever.
Then I’d like a building named after me for all of my contributions to society and whatever company I helped turnaround. I like the sound of that. Have you ever thought about it? Your funeral is important. After all, it will be the last most important event of your life.
meet the sister...
So we are supposed to go on a double date with her and her husband. It should be interesting. I have to be on my best behavior because whatever Sister Sweetness perceives, thinks or picks up, she is going to tell Mother Sweetness who is miles away in Michigan. (Not that there’s anything wrong with it. I’d do the same too.)
It should be okay. She’s around my age. She’s 29, very talkative, loves to shop and likes the finer things in life, like I. I have a feeling she might have unknowingly prepped Sweetness for my sometimes odd and difficult behavior. Sweetness doesn’t seem to mind when I talk endlessly about anything. He doesn’t mind going shopping with me or watching girly movies. In fact, I find that he watches some of the same movies I like to watch alone like the Princess Diaries and 13 going on 30. I think a lot of that comes from the fact that he was around women a lot growing up.
Anyways, I just wonder what Sister Sweetness will look like? I mean, I’ve seen pictures of her, but I wonder what she’s like in person. I wonder what her personality is like. Do you think she wonders what I’m like? How much has Sweetness told her about me? I hope she doesn’t think I’m a slut. What am I going to wear? Should I go conservative, trendy or what? The clock is ticking.
My FAQ's
But never fear I’m still here – just really busy mainly with school and work. This blog right here is generally written in between working on pages at work. I try to keep up, but generally, it’s harder to write when you have nothing to write about.
Since I constantly get the same questions, I decided to make my own FAQ’s. That way, when people ask, I can just refer them to here.
What have you been doing this whole entire summer?
This summer I’m taking 9 hours. That’s three classes in three months. So that’s left me with class every Saturday from 9-5 for the next three weekends out of four. I end my accounting class in a week. Then I pick right back up (no break in between, in fact they actually overlap) with marketing. I do my entire marketing course in four weeks. Well, you only have class on Saturdays. So what do you do during the week? Well, I leave work around 4:30. Make it home no later than 5 in order to study/complete homework for at least two hours (sometimes more for those harder classes). I may only have three class dates per course but the rest of the work is online. I do that every day Monday through Thursday. On Fridays I either take the night off or (if I have class the next day) review over stuff for at least an hour and get tons of rest for an arousing 8-hour class. After class on Saturday, I’m so wiped out, that I usually go out to eat and come back home to be in bed by 10. And Sundays? I generally reserve that again for studying/sleeping.
When will the madness stop?
After November 10, it will all start to drastically slow down. That’s when I just finish up my last class of the semester, which is completely online. My only and last class of the program is next year. That’s completely online too.
So, do you ever do anything fun?
Why of course I do. I go to work. I watch TV occasionally. I write here on my blog. I go out to eat. Isn’t that fun? Other than that, fun doesn’t come until August when I get about a month off and go on vacation. Next year will be fun too.
Do you miss hanging out with your friends?
Of course I miss every single one of you – well almost all of you, j/k. But I’d rather do it all in one year than spread it out over two or three years.
Well, what if I want to hang out with you? Can you make time for me?
Sure. We’ll just pull our calendars and compare. It may not be in the next few days, but we’ll find something.
Well, do you even have time for Sweetness? Does he care?
Umm…a little, I guess. He works on the weekends. So I really only see him once, maybe twice a week if we are lucky. I don’t think he cares that much that I’m this busy because it’s for school. Besides I’m going to have to patient with him come this fall, when he’s in school.
When do you graduate?
I really don’t know when I will officially graduate. I don’t plan on going to graduation ceremony unless I’m dragged by my mother. I will be completely done with the program after I take a study tour (a.k.a. one week vacation). So more than likely next May.
Do you like being in school?
It’s ok. You have to do what you have to do. The thing I hate about it the most is that I spend $3,000 a semester, which leaves me with hardly any money. (Not that I need any money considering I don’t have time to go out.) I’m not that great at school either, but in the end it will all pay off.
my challenge to you...
I was very surprised that I keep going. But I think it’s because of the instructor. She always tells me how great I’m doing and how strong I am. Well, us. It makes me feel good, even though I don’t do those hard poses. Even if I just lay there, she’ll say, “great job.” It makes me feel good. I think people like to hear praises.
So I challenge you and I to praise at least one person a day. It can be something as simple as “I love your outfit,” or “I appreciate you.”
cell phones...
My cell phone died Tuesday. My one-year-old Motorola Razor randomly shut off one me. I took it to Verizon that afternoon. Apparently, it could have been the battery or water damage. But of course the first question was, “Do you have insurance?”
“No,” I said sulking and batting my eyes to male across the counter. That was when I noticed the rep. looking at my chest. The entire time he spoke to me, well really my chest. With that, a few smiles and eye glares later, I was out of there with a new phone and battery for $70 (I got the same rate, as if I had insurance).
Three days later, my cell phone died on me again. Apparently, it was a short circuit. This time I lost all of my contacts. I was mad. And I wanted to slap that b**** behind the counter who kept smiling at me the entire time.
I have had so many problems with this cell phone. My mom, who has the same kind, has had problems too. In fact, come to think of it my last cell phone wasn’t too great either. That got me thinking. The last cell phone I had that I had no problems with was the old Nokia phone. You remember the big (well big compared to what's out now) bulky ones that was fairly popular some years back? (It wasn’t a flip phone) That was the best phone I had.
Just as I was thinking about that and talking to my co-worker, she pulls out the same one. She said “I have had this phone for years. I only use it in emergencies, but it’s reliable.” Damn her, I should have kept that phone too. So I would have gotten a couple of giggles from friends, but at least I would have some reliability. They just don’t make them like they used to.
no Angelina fan here...
Previously, I’ve never really had a problem with Angelina. She was not one of my favorites. Now, if anyone asked me for my list of female celebrities I’d make out with, she’d be on it, but that’s another story. Main thing is I wasn’t crazy about her and will never be.
Anyways, my co-worker and I were talking about how interesting it is everyone has forgotten this woman stole somebody’s husband. It’s so weird because when I see pictures of Angelina, Brad Pitt and their children, I don’t think happy family. I think “Oh that’s the woman that stole Jennifer Aniston’s husband.” What gets me is no one really made a big deal about it when it all happened. It was just “Jennifer and Brad are getting a divorce.” Next day, “Brad and Angelina are together.”
I guess it makes me so mad because I’ve always thought if I were in that situation, I would be the Jennifer Aniston. I would be heartbroken and freaking pissed. I’ll give Angelina props for all of her charity work and adopting kids, but that still doesn’t replace the fact that she took somebody’s husband (Not to put no blame on Brad. It’s his fault too.). For that, I will never be a fan of her.
officially exclusive...
So naturally, I had to test him. “Can I wear my bootylicious mini-skirt to the Beyonce concert with my matching body-bearing top (even though you won’t be there)?”
He said, “Yes.”
“I trust you,” he replied. That makes two of us. I mean I trust him, but about as much as I trust anybody after three months. Trust and I just don’t go well together anyway. He could very well take a knife stab it my heart, twist it around and leave. Okay, so maybe that was a bit too graphic. But that’s the way I see it.
Anyways, so we spent both evenings together this weekend and he didn’t get on my nerves. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. He’s so quiet. I don’t ever see him getting on my nerves. If anything, I probably get on his nerves. I suppose it was nice. Saturday night, after the movie, we went back to his place. We fell asleep on the couch together watching the Disney Channel. It was serene.
not again...
So I’ve gotten about half of my grades in for this last class I was in. I made all 95’s or 100’s. The only thing that is left is the group project grade.
If I end up making a B in this class because of this group project I am going to be so mad. It’ll be the second time it’s happened to me. I have to get all the A’s I can get now, because this accounting is kicking my ass. And what’s worse is that now that I’m starting to grasp it, I realize that I can get this stuff down. It’s just can I get it down in 6 weeks? I need an A.
Four down; four more classes to go for the year. If I can just get through accounting, even if it is with a B, I will be so grateful. They (those who have finished the program) say all the classes I have left are hard. So what do I have left? Marketing, global business, finance (another tough class) and some strategic management class that’s completely online.
parents should be parents...
I think the dad is right. But at the same time on a collegiate level, there is only so much university officials can control. It’s not like its high school. The campus is spread out everywhere. Once your “child” hits 18 years old, your “child” isn’t really a child anymore. From the time we are in elementary school, we are taught to say “no” to drugs. Excuse me if I seem a bit insensitive, but Meghan Bosch chose to take those drugs herself. Maybe her family is in a bit of denial (which is understandable), but she was a 21-year-old woman. That’s an adult. If an adult wants to take drugs, an adult will find a way to get drugs.
Mr. Bosch said “drugs are woven into the Greek system and social fabric of the university.” While I believe the university has a responsibility to enforce the rules that are already set, which prohibits drug use, isn’t some of the responsibility on the student itself? When are parents going to stop blaming school officials for their “children’s” mistakes?
According to news reports, Mr. Bosch and his wife knew she was on drugs since February. I’m not saying it was the parents’ responsibility, because once a “child” is 21 years old, you really don’t have much control of his/her life. I’m just saying neither does a university.
He makes me happy...
All of this is so surprising because between all of this dating, he’s kind of been the sleeper in this. My feelings for him have kind of caught me by surprise.
His personality is nothing like mine. The man is exactly the way he seems. He’s quiet and shy. He’s nice. He’s smart. He’s starting back college in September to get his degree in engineering. He’s a neat freak. Everything in his apartment is in place. He makes up his bed everyday. He has more books on his shelves than DVDs. I’ll just come out and say it – he is a nerd. He said some of his friends call him that and I see why. But the nerd isn’t all that bad.
We have a lot of things in common. He likes to travel. He has horrible allergies like I do. He even has the air purifier like me. He's from a middle class family. He has an older sister who's working on her Phd and two very successful parents. He even understand the need for a maid (he had one most of his life too). More importantly, he wants the same things I want or in this case don't want, which are kids and any kind of pet except a fish.
I’ve always been attracted to multi-talented men. He can put together anything in a second. He can ski, ice skate, play the saxophone, violin and do even more. I think I'm going to stick with Sweetness. He makes me happy.
so little time, so little money
Some of my favorite stores and more are having its biggest sales of the year.The only problem is this is a five-week month. For those of you who don’t know, I only get paid once a month. Damn-it. In August, we’ll start to get paid like most people do. But until them I’m stuck with four weeks left until I get paid with a Nordstrom’s Half-Yearly sale to hit up, a Victoria’s Secret in-store sale to sneak into and several dozen sample sales to crash in on at work.
I have to go to the Nordstrom’s sale. It only happens twice a year and I have a huge list of things I’ve been eyeing to go on sale. The same goes for Victoria’s Secret. I have to buy now, because in the long run it will pay off later. I don’t buy anything until the next sale, six months down the line. Well except for those two or three trips I might hop in there for, but those don’t really count.
Then I have to go to the sample sales and participate in e-bid at work. After all, all the money goes to United Way. What kind of person would I be not to help the kids and other people in need?
Oh and let’s not forget about my special coupon I got from Coach – 25 percent off anything in the store. I’ve been blessed to have received these coupons for the past year, as a “preferred customer.” So if I don’t buy something, they might stop sending me the coupons. So what’s a girl to do? Too much shopping; so little time and money.
He's so nice...
I tell you Hotness is really something. He already has another masters in anthropology. He’s just one of those likable people. He has even agreed to help me with my next class. He even sent an e-mail today saying how nice it was meeting me. He had a good time working with me. So what’s a girl to do? Despite the fact he did nothing on the group project, do I give him a good grade or a bad grade?
I don’t know what to do. Meanwhile, things have been heating up between Sweetness and I.
He dropped the ball...
He’s going down. We get to grade each other in the group. He’s getting a 0. I can’t believe he let us down. He did nothing - absolutely nothing. Then, tonight when I was e-mailing the group, he asks me if the paper is due next week. I told him no it’s tomorrow. He says: “Wow I thought it was due next week. I dropped the ball on that.” Ya think?
I knew Sweetness is the one.