
the heidi's of the world...

I don’t know how I get suckered into these reality television shows (maybe because there is nothing else that comes on), but I just can’t stop watching them. I watched the episode of The Hills last night and can’t help thinking that Heidi is a prime example of what so many women do when they get into a relationship. They start dating a guy and become enamored in him and eventually lose all sight of everything or everyone else. Now I think Heidi is an extreme case of this and I think on some level she does what she does for the fame and money. After all, she is coming out with a CD. Some people are willing to sell their souls or get married to anyone to be “successful,” but that’s another entry.

Heidi is just like many women we know today. They get into a relationship and lose themselves. I could probably think of 10 women who I’ve watched this happen to. That got me thinking, why do women do this? You rarely see men get this way about a woman. Is there something in a woman’s genes that makes us more prone?

Thankfully, I’ve never really had this problem – perhaps its because I’ve watched so many other women with this problem. The thought of losing my identity is scary. Perhaps it’s my realistic (a.k.a. what Sweetness sometimes refers to as pessimistic) view of thinking.

For example, Sweetness will say, “We can go to Vegas this year.”
I say, “Ok, if we are still together, we can go.”

It’s not that I’m saying I have plans of breaking up with him. Perhaps its just I don’t like to get my hopes up. I want to be realistic.

With that being said, there is a 50 percent divorce rate in the U.S. That means if you do get married (and that’s a big DO, pun intended) there is a huge chance you will be alone one day in your life and I don’t mean as a widow. So are you willing to take that chance and alienate all of your friends in your life who you might need someday in case you are all alone, old, fat and gray?

In my history, people are too unpredictable. Just when you thought you’ve nailed down their personality, you’re wrong. Just when you thought you can trust them they are wrong. Therefore, I always like to keep a suitcase, passport in the car and some extra cash…just in case!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got sucked into that show too. Damn reality tv. I agree -- women tend to lose themselves, but you never see guys doing that. I do everything in my power to maintain my identit and friends and not lose myself in a relationship.
- wafa