
why is it that some men don't get it?

Recap: Last week Sweetness’ ex called in three times. Yes, three times!

So after contemplating all of my options (that including making sure Sweetness’ ex life was a living hell) I decided to be an adult about all of this. I approached the subject with Sweetness about getting rid of the ex.

“I think you should stop talking to Miss Gulch,” I said.

“That’s interesting,” he said. Interesting I thought. Why would he say that? How is it interesting? I AM your girlfriend. This shouldn’t be any surprise to you.

“Well I don’t like the fact that you talk to her seeing how it was only less than a year ago you sent her some flowers. It’s not like she calls you sparingly. She continuously calls you,” I said.

He’s still silent.

“You say you don’t care about her, but obviously you still have some feelings for her because you keep talking to her,” I said.

Finally, “Of course I care about her. She’s my friend,” he said. “But not in the same way I care about you.”

He said he would think about it - conversation over.

Grrr…why is it that some men don’t get it? For someone who is in a committed relationship. I don’t think it should be something he has to think about.

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