
real pain...

I thought I had experienced pain, until Monday morning. The anesthesia wore off the most horrific pain I’ve ever encountered set into my foot. I took the Vicodin the doctor prescribed 2 hours earlier but it still hadn’t kicked in. Thirty minutes later the nurse called me back to tell me to cut slits in my bandage because it was probably too tight, since my foot swelled up more. I was also given the go ahead to take my migraine medicine to try to get rid of the pain. An hour later, I felt much better. I slept practically the rest of the day. That was my worst day after the surgery.

I guess you could say the surgery went well. I wasn’t actually awake for the procedure. The last thing I remember is the doctors pushing me down the hallway in the gurney. Dr. H., the anesthesiologist, just asked me if the meds were starting to work. I told him I wasn’t sure if it was the meds or the bed moving that was making me feel weird. Then the next thing I knew, I woke up and a nurse took the breathing mask off of my face. It only took about an hour, so the actual surgery wasn’t bad at all.

The only thing I knew was that had all males operating on me with the exception of one female. It was interesting because I had never seen so many males in the operating room. I had a male nurse, male doctor, male anesthesiologist, another male who walked in there to introduce himself as someone who would be in the room, another male doctor who was assisting my doctor and then there was an Asian female who would be helping. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, as we all know I love males, but it was interesting. The other thing I do know is that they must have strapped me down while I was sleep, because when I woke up I notice an indent on my upper thigh. I guess they didn't want me to move. It was weird because I didn't remember having the surgery, yet it was evident I had it because my foot was in a blue boot now.

Unfortunately I haven't been able to walk until today. It still hurts a little, but more when I walk. I’m supposed to get this surgery done on my left foot too, but I don’t know. Monday was pretty horrific. If I could avoid a Monday like that I’ll be fine. But if there’s another Monday like that one, I’m not so sure I want to have that surgery again. Maybe it’ll be worth walking in pain on the left foot for the rest of my life.

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