nothing like a Sunday night...
There is nothing like lying in bed watching Desperate Housewives and Brothers & Sisters while eating some deliciously warm dessert (brownies this week) while drinking a glass of wine or milk. I’ve missed my Sunday nights. There’s nothing like capping off a weekend of drinking in bed eating sweets. After all, I spend enough time working out during the week.
week off
Between being sick and trying to finish all my school work, I'm going to take this week off.
hot pink, sequins, flashy...
Apparently, I have this uncanny way of always being volunteered for things. First it was the snack cart now it’s our departmental awards show.
For the sake anonymity, we’ll call the ceremony THE SHOW. While it may seem like something simple. THE SHOW is always this huge production. I would imagine the company gives our department quite a bit of money to do this eacy year. We hire a professional videographer. We have a set, decorations and some type of favors to give out everyone. Not to mention we actually give out trophy awards (looks like a mini-Oscar) and gift certificates. Well I’m on THE SHOW committee.
Last year I helped out with THE SHOW (it was a scary theme) as needed (which means whenever someone asked me to do it. I never volunteered). Before I knew it I was suckered into performing Michael Jackson’s Thriller dance (which unfortunately is on DVD).
About two months ago I got an e-mail announcing that it was time for THE SHOW again. The committee members were announced and my name was on it. I asked how did I get on the committee. I got some story about how so and so was supposed ask me. Long story, short, if I wanted out I had to find a replacement.
Personally I think I got put on the committee because of my sheer proximity to THE SHOW chairperson. She sits across from me. I can just envision it. She had all the representatives for each division and realized there wasn’t a one for our division. She looked up and there I was – sucker!
This year, THE SHOW is a musical. (I hate musicals!) Therefore six genres will be performed in the show – country, 50s, rock, disco, a traditional musical and pop. We rewrote a song from each genre so it would relate to work.
Despite the fact that I told them I would be more beneficial as head of the advertising committee. I was appointed “head” of the script committee. I admit I haven’t really done anything. That’s mainly because there was really nothing I could contribute. The only genre I really know about is pop and the chairperson rewrote the words to our pop song.
Nevertheless, I thought things were going pretty well. I got dragged on this committee and I’m getting away with doing nothing but spending three hours a week at these meetings. All was well, until I found my name on the list of dancers for the show. If it wasn’t enough that I had to dance to Thriller in front of my co-workers last year, now I have to dance to Shut Up and Drive in front of everybody. At first glance it doesn’t sound so bad right?
Today I overheard the chairperson ordering the costumes. These are the words I heard: sequins, hot pink, flashy, one-time wear. I’m scared; real scared.
When will it ever end?
For the sake anonymity, we’ll call the ceremony THE SHOW. While it may seem like something simple. THE SHOW is always this huge production. I would imagine the company gives our department quite a bit of money to do this eacy year. We hire a professional videographer. We have a set, decorations and some type of favors to give out everyone. Not to mention we actually give out trophy awards (looks like a mini-Oscar) and gift certificates. Well I’m on THE SHOW committee.
Last year I helped out with THE SHOW (it was a scary theme) as needed (which means whenever someone asked me to do it. I never volunteered). Before I knew it I was suckered into performing Michael Jackson’s Thriller dance (which unfortunately is on DVD).
About two months ago I got an e-mail announcing that it was time for THE SHOW again. The committee members were announced and my name was on it. I asked how did I get on the committee. I got some story about how so and so was supposed ask me. Long story, short, if I wanted out I had to find a replacement.
Personally I think I got put on the committee because of my sheer proximity to THE SHOW chairperson. She sits across from me. I can just envision it. She had all the representatives for each division and realized there wasn’t a one for our division. She looked up and there I was – sucker!
This year, THE SHOW is a musical. (I hate musicals!) Therefore six genres will be performed in the show – country, 50s, rock, disco, a traditional musical and pop. We rewrote a song from each genre so it would relate to work.
Despite the fact that I told them I would be more beneficial as head of the advertising committee. I was appointed “head” of the script committee. I admit I haven’t really done anything. That’s mainly because there was really nothing I could contribute. The only genre I really know about is pop and the chairperson rewrote the words to our pop song.
Nevertheless, I thought things were going pretty well. I got dragged on this committee and I’m getting away with doing nothing but spending three hours a week at these meetings. All was well, until I found my name on the list of dancers for the show. If it wasn’t enough that I had to dance to Thriller in front of my co-workers last year, now I have to dance to Shut Up and Drive in front of everybody. At first glance it doesn’t sound so bad right?
Today I overheard the chairperson ordering the costumes. These are the words I heard: sequins, hot pink, flashy, one-time wear. I’m scared; real scared.
When will it ever end?
the heidi's of the world...
I don’t know how I get suckered into these reality television shows (maybe because there is nothing else that comes on), but I just can’t stop watching them. I watched the episode of The Hills last night and can’t help thinking that Heidi is a prime example of what so many women do when they get into a relationship. They start dating a guy and become enamored in him and eventually lose all sight of everything or everyone else. Now I think Heidi is an extreme case of this and I think on some level she does what she does for the fame and money. After all, she is coming out with a CD. Some people are willing to sell their souls or get married to anyone to be “successful,” but that’s another entry.
Heidi is just like many women we know today. They get into a relationship and lose themselves. I could probably think of 10 women who I’ve watched this happen to. That got me thinking, why do women do this? You rarely see men get this way about a woman. Is there something in a woman’s genes that makes us more prone?
Thankfully, I’ve never really had this problem – perhaps its because I’ve watched so many other women with this problem. The thought of losing my identity is scary. Perhaps it’s my realistic (a.k.a. what Sweetness sometimes refers to as pessimistic) view of thinking.
For example, Sweetness will say, “We can go to Vegas this year.”
I say, “Ok, if we are still together, we can go.”
It’s not that I’m saying I have plans of breaking up with him. Perhaps its just I don’t like to get my hopes up. I want to be realistic.
With that being said, there is a 50 percent divorce rate in the U.S. That means if you do get married (and that’s a big DO, pun intended) there is a huge chance you will be alone one day in your life and I don’t mean as a widow. So are you willing to take that chance and alienate all of your friends in your life who you might need someday in case you are all alone, old, fat and gray?
In my history, people are too unpredictable. Just when you thought you’ve nailed down their personality, you’re wrong. Just when you thought you can trust them they are wrong. Therefore, I always like to keep a suitcase, passport in the car and some extra cash…just in case!
Heidi is just like many women we know today. They get into a relationship and lose themselves. I could probably think of 10 women who I’ve watched this happen to. That got me thinking, why do women do this? You rarely see men get this way about a woman. Is there something in a woman’s genes that makes us more prone?
Thankfully, I’ve never really had this problem – perhaps its because I’ve watched so many other women with this problem. The thought of losing my identity is scary. Perhaps it’s my realistic (a.k.a. what Sweetness sometimes refers to as pessimistic) view of thinking.
For example, Sweetness will say, “We can go to Vegas this year.”
I say, “Ok, if we are still together, we can go.”
It’s not that I’m saying I have plans of breaking up with him. Perhaps its just I don’t like to get my hopes up. I want to be realistic.
With that being said, there is a 50 percent divorce rate in the U.S. That means if you do get married (and that’s a big DO, pun intended) there is a huge chance you will be alone one day in your life and I don’t mean as a widow. So are you willing to take that chance and alienate all of your friends in your life who you might need someday in case you are all alone, old, fat and gray?
In my history, people are too unpredictable. Just when you thought you’ve nailed down their personality, you’re wrong. Just when you thought you can trust them they are wrong. Therefore, I always like to keep a suitcase, passport in the car and some extra cash…just in case!

Let me know what you think!
Also, if you want to be a test subject let me know. I can't possibly keep baking 3 dozen of cookies at my house each weekend.
he's learned well...
Sweetness and I haven’t really gotten into an argument yet. I like to argue. Sweetness doesn’t. He’s really laid-back, kind of goes with the flow. So imagine my surprise last night when for the first time he told me no. I was really caught off guard. For the seven months we have been dating, he has never told me no. I was speechless.
It all started after he asked me what I wanted for my birthday. He said he had been trying to think of something for the past couple of months.
“I really don’t need or want anything. So you don’t need to get me anything,” I said assuredly.
He didn’t like that idea. So I said if we wanted to do the whole gift-giving thing, we should establish some parameters or restrictions. In my history of gift giving, it starts off all sentimental then years later it becomes this thing where you spend about as much as the other person and vice versa. Then you both end up spending an unbelievable, really unreasonable amount of money on each other. So I suggested restrictions.
He said no, it’s about the sentimental value – not money. He said if he wants to buy me a yacht, he’ll buy me a yacht. (I’ll just buy you a bigger and better yacht I thought.) Sweetness said he knew I would be difficult with this but not that difficult. I was surprised. I told him he had never been so mean to me before.
He said, “I’m just being direct – the way you always are with me. You just aren’t used to getting it thrown back at you.”
I offered a compromise – like putting one or two restrictions. He said no. He claims that when we compromise it’s really always my way, which is totally not true. That only happens like half the time. Ok so maybe three-fourths of a time. But I can’t help it I’m always right.
He said, “No. You can make restrictions but I’m doing whatever I want to do. You asked me a long time ago if I was a push over and I told you I’m not when it comes to certain things.”
“Okay, we’ll do it your way,” I said smiling. While I was surprised, I couldn’t help feel slightly good. Good to know he has a spine. He’s learned well (smirk).
It all started after he asked me what I wanted for my birthday. He said he had been trying to think of something for the past couple of months.
“I really don’t need or want anything. So you don’t need to get me anything,” I said assuredly.
He didn’t like that idea. So I said if we wanted to do the whole gift-giving thing, we should establish some parameters or restrictions. In my history of gift giving, it starts off all sentimental then years later it becomes this thing where you spend about as much as the other person and vice versa. Then you both end up spending an unbelievable, really unreasonable amount of money on each other. So I suggested restrictions.
He said no, it’s about the sentimental value – not money. He said if he wants to buy me a yacht, he’ll buy me a yacht. (I’ll just buy you a bigger and better yacht I thought.) Sweetness said he knew I would be difficult with this but not that difficult. I was surprised. I told him he had never been so mean to me before.
He said, “I’m just being direct – the way you always are with me. You just aren’t used to getting it thrown back at you.”
I offered a compromise – like putting one or two restrictions. He said no. He claims that when we compromise it’s really always my way, which is totally not true. That only happens like half the time. Ok so maybe three-fourths of a time. But I can’t help it I’m always right.
He said, “No. You can make restrictions but I’m doing whatever I want to do. You asked me a long time ago if I was a push over and I told you I’m not when it comes to certain things.”
“Okay, we’ll do it your way,” I said smiling. While I was surprised, I couldn’t help feel slightly good. Good to know he has a spine. He’s learned well (smirk).
the class from hell...
I went to my first class on Saturday. By the time I left the only thing I knew was the following: I have two case studies due next Saturday, a test the Saturday after that and some group project due in four weeks along with another test. I don’t know what the group project will be about because the teacher hasn’t decided. He hasn’t really decided what the test will be like either.
Oh and did I mention majority of the class has no textbooks and we are not connected online through the Blackboard system (that’s how we take all of our classes and get things like our syllabus, discussion boards, etc.)? I had a huge headache by the time I left class.
We don’t have textbooks because the university bookstore ran out and had to order more. We can’t order it from anywhere else because it’s a customized book. We were told the bookstore wouldn’t get them until Tuesday. Then they have to mail them to us, which means will get them on Wednesday – maybe.
I guess it wouldn’t have been so bad if the instructor was on the ball. He had no idea what he was going to do. I’ll give him this – he knows the subject of the class well. He’s just not organized at all. We kept asking him the same questions and he would never really answer them. In the end, we realized he doesn’t have this class planned out at all.
I guess I should note when we all signed up for this class another instructor was assigned to it. Then all of a sudden we got this new instructor, which is an adjunct professor.
Well, he was supposed to scan in the case studies and e-mail them to us this morning. Guess what? The day is half way over and no e-mail. Why am I not surprised?
I was hoping to have a low-stress semester since this is my last full semester. Apparently, that’s not going to happen. So far, I’ve used today at work to finish up my assignments for my other class. Hopefully I can knock out all of this stuff because I’ll need all the time I can get later for this class from hell.
Meanwhile, I’ve been working on another project to keep me busy once I’m done with school. I’ll have to tell you more about that later…
One class down, five more to go.
Oh and did I mention majority of the class has no textbooks and we are not connected online through the Blackboard system (that’s how we take all of our classes and get things like our syllabus, discussion boards, etc.)? I had a huge headache by the time I left class.
We don’t have textbooks because the university bookstore ran out and had to order more. We can’t order it from anywhere else because it’s a customized book. We were told the bookstore wouldn’t get them until Tuesday. Then they have to mail them to us, which means will get them on Wednesday – maybe.
I guess it wouldn’t have been so bad if the instructor was on the ball. He had no idea what he was going to do. I’ll give him this – he knows the subject of the class well. He’s just not organized at all. We kept asking him the same questions and he would never really answer them. In the end, we realized he doesn’t have this class planned out at all.
I guess I should note when we all signed up for this class another instructor was assigned to it. Then all of a sudden we got this new instructor, which is an adjunct professor.
Well, he was supposed to scan in the case studies and e-mail them to us this morning. Guess what? The day is half way over and no e-mail. Why am I not surprised?
I was hoping to have a low-stress semester since this is my last full semester. Apparently, that’s not going to happen. So far, I’ve used today at work to finish up my assignments for my other class. Hopefully I can knock out all of this stuff because I’ll need all the time I can get later for this class from hell.
Meanwhile, I’ve been working on another project to keep me busy once I’m done with school. I’ll have to tell you more about that later…
One class down, five more to go.
no more texts please...
How do you tell a person nicely, QUIT TEXTING ME!
My cousin text messages me all the time. It’s not personalized text messages. Its forwards. You know what you usually do in an e-mail? Then they tell you to forward it back to them and 10 other people. (Yeah right!) I have never returned her a forward or anything else. Hell, I don’t even talk to her that much. In fact, I only really talk to her on either Christmas or Thanksgiving (whenever I go to Houston) or if she comes up here. I get at least 3 texts a week and number recently seems to be quickly increasing.
I’m not alone. She texts my brother and my uncle in San Diego and neither of them talk to her that much either. My uncle (who is in his 50s) told me he didn’t even know what it was the first time she text him or how to text her back. He just finds it annoying too. She even texts my uncle's ex-wife in freaking Minnesota. She hasn't talked to her on the phone in more than 2 years. She texts my mom too, but at least she talks to her frequently. So basically, she just texts everyone in her cell phone. I even got a text picture that made noises today. It was a cartoon character picture. I’m just tired of her wasting my text messages. Obviously she must be on the limitless text plan.
So how do you tell a family member nicely, STOP TEXTING ME!
My cousin text messages me all the time. It’s not personalized text messages. Its forwards. You know what you usually do in an e-mail? Then they tell you to forward it back to them and 10 other people. (Yeah right!) I have never returned her a forward or anything else. Hell, I don’t even talk to her that much. In fact, I only really talk to her on either Christmas or Thanksgiving (whenever I go to Houston) or if she comes up here. I get at least 3 texts a week and number recently seems to be quickly increasing.
I’m not alone. She texts my brother and my uncle in San Diego and neither of them talk to her that much either. My uncle (who is in his 50s) told me he didn’t even know what it was the first time she text him or how to text her back. He just finds it annoying too. She even texts my uncle's ex-wife in freaking Minnesota. She hasn't talked to her on the phone in more than 2 years. She texts my mom too, but at least she talks to her frequently. So basically, she just texts everyone in her cell phone. I even got a text picture that made noises today. It was a cartoon character picture. I’m just tired of her wasting my text messages. Obviously she must be on the limitless text plan.
So how do you tell a family member nicely, STOP TEXTING ME!
I think I’m having senioritis. You remember when you didn’t want to do anything your senior of high school. Well, now that I’ve had a month off from school. I’m finding it very hard to get back to work, especially considering I have three classes left. I can see the light and boy doesn’t it shine so brightly.
It doesn’t really help that one of my classes is easy. I just need to do it that’s all, especially since I'm taking two classes at once.
It also doesn’t help that I’ve gotten the “talk.” You know the talk that you get from your boss saying “we’re giving you more work.” Ok, given I’ll admit I really didn’t that much work to begin with. Although there have been times at work were I’ve been busy, I’ve never worked at the capacity that I worked at my previous job. So I’m not scared or really even mad (seeing how that’s what they pay me to do), but it does put a little damper on my plans. See for the past eight months, I’ve done a lot of my school stuff during work time. And right now I don’t have anytime to do anything except work. I don’t even have time to do a discussion board. Well, it was nice while it lasted.
It doesn’t really help that one of my classes is easy. I just need to do it that’s all, especially since I'm taking two classes at once.
It also doesn’t help that I’ve gotten the “talk.” You know the talk that you get from your boss saying “we’re giving you more work.” Ok, given I’ll admit I really didn’t that much work to begin with. Although there have been times at work were I’ve been busy, I’ve never worked at the capacity that I worked at my previous job. So I’m not scared or really even mad (seeing how that’s what they pay me to do), but it does put a little damper on my plans. See for the past eight months, I’ve done a lot of my school stuff during work time. And right now I don’t have anytime to do anything except work. I don’t even have time to do a discussion board. Well, it was nice while it lasted.
simply put...
So I’ve been following this whole Michael Vick dog fighting thing and I really find it troubling how many people are defending him. Including Whoopi Goldberg from The View. She said that Vick might have been unaware that something that seems to be the cultural norm where he is from is morally reprehensible in other country.
“Instead of just saying he’s a beast or a monster, this is a kid who comes from a culture where (this) is not questioned,” Goldberg said. She goes on to say that dog fighting is prevalent among the South.
I’m not an animal lover at al but I don’t think that this should even be a discussion. Dog fighting is illegal. Vick knows right from wrong. He might have come from a place where it’s acceptable, but in that same place it is illegal. It’s just whether you get caught or not. Vick is grown man who knows the difference between right and wrong. Simply put, there is no excuse. He’s going to have to accept his punishment like an adult. Name calling and all the other stuff that comes along with is just childish behavior and really uncalled for because in the end he is going to be punished. Any other conversation beyond that doesn’t matter.
“Instead of just saying he’s a beast or a monster, this is a kid who comes from a culture where (this) is not questioned,” Goldberg said. She goes on to say that dog fighting is prevalent among the South.
I’m not an animal lover at al but I don’t think that this should even be a discussion. Dog fighting is illegal. Vick knows right from wrong. He might have come from a place where it’s acceptable, but in that same place it is illegal. It’s just whether you get caught or not. Vick is grown man who knows the difference between right and wrong. Simply put, there is no excuse. He’s going to have to accept his punishment like an adult. Name calling and all the other stuff that comes along with is just childish behavior and really uncalled for because in the end he is going to be punished. Any other conversation beyond that doesn’t matter.
sometimes, i just can't stop myself...
Do you ever do something you know is bad or naughty, yet you do it anyway? Like,
I seem to be the prime suspect for things like that. I can’t help myself. I know it’s wrong. I know its trouble, but I do it anyway. It’s not necessarily what I accomplish, but more of the feeling I get actually doing the act.
I always get this rush when I do things like that. Maybe that’s what always gets me in trouble. I mean, how do your stop yourself from doing things like that?
I seem to be the prime suspect for things like that. I can’t help myself. I know it’s wrong. I know its trouble, but I do it anyway. It’s not necessarily what I accomplish, but more of the feeling I get actually doing the act.
I always get this rush when I do things like that. Maybe that’s what always gets me in trouble. I mean, how do your stop yourself from doing things like that?
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