
Santa's on the roof...

I’ve always been a sucker for Santa. I believed in Santa Claus until I was at least 12 years old. I mean, how couldn’t I? All the signs were there.

For one, dad said there was a Santa. And let me tell you something, when I was a kid, I believed EVERYTHING dad told me. (Sometimes I still do.) Once, or twice, he even told me that when the cows are near the fence it means it was going to rain. How could I not believe him? After all, everytime he mentioned it, it did happen to be pretty cloudy at the time.

Secondly, Santa always called my brother and I every year – sometimes even twice a year. Unfortunately, he would call only when no one was home, so I never got to talk to him personally. But that didn’t make him any less real. Ironically, he would only call when my brother I started getting in trouble a lot but it all made sense. Santa can see everything.

Okay, so maybe my little brother was right – Santa did sound a lot like dad. But there just couldn’t be no Santa. I mean after all, every Christmas Eve, the local newscasters talked about how Santa was coming. If Santa wasn’t real, there is NO way they would put it on the news. The news people have to print the truth right? Besides if there was no Santa where do all the Santa letter go? (Note: I got the answer to that question three years go at the local newspaper.)

Lastly, there just had to be Santa because we always left cookies for him every Christmas Eve and when we woke up the next morning there would be nothing but crumbs. And that proved Santa was not dad because Dad can’t eat cookies. He’s a diabetic and obviously, Santa isn’t.

Nevertheless I believed in Santa until Dad and Mom had to break the news to me during my pre-teen years. They went ahead and told me because my younger brother figured things out.

But I tell you I just can’t fathom to this day that maybe there really is a real Santa. Every night before Christmas when I go to sleep I think about how I might be able to hear Santa on top of the roof. Now wouldn’t that be cool?

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